
Located in City Hall (168 Main St.)
Phone: EMERGENCY 911

Area Churches

Elkton Methodist Church
Brad Smith
PO Box 37
Elkton, TN 38455
Sunrise Chapel
Eddie Woodard
PO Box 54
Elkton, TN 38455
Blanche Chapel Missionary Baptist Church
PO Box 1243
Ardmore, TN 38449
Elkton Church of Christ
Jimmy Butler
PO Box 303
Elkton, TN 38455
Farmer's Indian Creek Missionary Baptist Assoc.
PO Box 92
Elkton, TN 38455
Wheelerton Baptist Church
562 Wheelerton
Dellrose, TN 38453
Indian Creek Baptist Church
Anthony Bledsoe
PO Box 322
Elkton, TN 38455
St. Elizabeth Primitive Baptist Church
Pauline Dailey
PO Box 266
Elkton, TN 38455
Union Hill Baptist Church
Brenda Mitchell
PO Box 61
Elkton, TN 38455
Bethany Presbyterian Church
James May
1012 Bryson Road
Ardmore, TN 38449
Elkton Baptist Church
PO Box 128
Elkton, TN 38455
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
100 Chapel Road
Pulaski, TN 38478
Church of Messiah Episcopal Church
114 N 3rd Street Pulaski, TN 38478

City Council

Meets the second Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM in the Community Room (160 Main St). Meetings are public and everyone is welcome.

City Hall

Located at 168 Main St.
Mon - Thurs 8:00 - 4:30.
Closed for Lunch 12:00-12:30.
Phone: 931-468-2506
Fax: 931-468-2993

City Park

The City of Elkton has a beautiful park that is open to local citizens from sunrise to sunset. Amenities include a picnic pavilion, lighted ball field, concession stand, bathrooms and children’s playground.  Our park is the perfect venue for many events during the year including  various festivals, shows and concerts. Large groups do need to contact City Hall at 931-468-2506 to inquire about availability.

Community Room

Available by reservation. Located at 160 Main St, adjacent to the Fire Hall. Phone City Hall to reserve:

Elk River Homemakers Club

Meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm

Elkton Elementary School

Pre-K & K-8 Students: 337
Teachers & Admin: 36
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1/14.7

Giles County Veteran Service Officer

Dwight Tucker

Historical Trails

Benges Route, part of the infamous Trail of Tears, passes through Elkton.
For More Information Visit:


Rodeway Inn
Located at I-65 and Bryson Road

Elkton Branch Library

Public computer available. Internet provided. Located in City Hall (168 Main St)
Open Mon - Thur 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed for Lunch 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Closed on all Federal Holidays

Matt Gardner Homestead Museum

Listed on the National Registry of Historical places. The home is currently in the restoration stage.
Call if interested in volunteer work.
Open to the public with advanced notice. Visit for information regarding visits.

Mile Long Yard Sale

The third Saturday in April and October.
Located on US 31 Hwy in Elkton. Phone City Hall at 931-468-2506 for more information.

Police Department

Available 24/7. In the event of an emergency, call 911.


Shady Lawn Truck Stop
Hideaway Lounge
328 Market St

Post Office

Located at City Hall (168 Main St).
Open 8am - 11:45am Monday-Friday.
Saturday 8am - 11am.
Closed all federal holidays.

South Giles Utility District

Office Hours M, T, Thu, F 8a-4p, W 8a-12p or to pay online visit

Traffic Court

Held in City Hall (168 Main St) on the last Wednesday of every month.

Boat Ramp

Located on Highway 31 at the Elk River Bridge

Giles County Convenience Center

Ag Park Open M, W, F 7AM-5PM Sat 7AM-12PM

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